Energized Leadership

August 3, 2017


This guest post is by Chrissy M. Thornton, Executive Director of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, and presenter of “Energized Leadership,” part of the Leadership Development track at our 25th Annual Conference. Learn more and register: bit.ly/MANOAC17. 

Many of us would like to believe we are strong leaders. The truth is, however, that sometimes people are thrust into leadership before they are ready. In many cases, people are pushed to be “leaders” just because they are THERE and WILLING. In other cases, you may be a strong leader who could stand to “build your muscle” in areas specifically useful to nonprofit organizations.

It can become commonplace for organizational staff to get bogged down in


to day tasks and lose focus on their roles as leaders. Many times, we fail to effectively harness energy – both our own and in the organization. The results are usually devastating!

Taking time to analyze the organization’s mission and vision (yes, they are different!) can save leaders the frustration of engaging in activities and initiatives that don’t drive toward their goals.

The Energized Leadership workshop at Maryland Nonprofits’ 25th Annual Conference will guide nonprofit staff in setting organizational goals, prioritizing efforts, and identifying strengths and weaknesses. We will discuss how tapping into your personal motivation, knowing your “WHY”, and sustaining your energy is essential to leadership that produces consistently positive outcomes.

The workshop will also address methods to recruit and engage volunteers – making sure they have fulfilling and meaningful experiences while working at your agency. We all know that the power of great volunteer management is limitless! To have supporters who care so much about what you are doing they become vocal supporters and cheerleaders for your cause will always be what propels your movement.


I am excited to lead this session to help explore ways to reawaken your volunteers’ passion for the cause while energizing your leadership skills. Afterward, you are sure to be inspired, refreshed, and motivated to do your best work! 

About the Author 

Chrissy M. Thornton is high energy, creative, and outgoing executive who has been recognized for developing professional staff training programs to revitalize

and implementing organizational change efforts into growing businesses. She has experience in

diagnosis and the design and facilitation of large-scale events and staff development activities. She is the Executive Director of the Maryland/ Southern Delaware Chapter of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and works as a freelance Nonprofit and Fundraising Consultant and Success Coach.