Maryland Latinos Unidos (MLU) members are organizations, businesses, and individuals who support Latino and immigrant communities across Maryland. By joining MLU, you become part of a statewide network that collaborates and builds collective power for the benefit of Maryland’s Latino and immigrant communities.

You’ll enjoy a variety of member benefits and have a seat at the table for collective conversations with peers, advocates, and public officials around advancing outcomes for our communities. Also, Maryland Latinos Unidos members gain access to nonprofit capacity-building resources, technical assistance, learning programs, networking opportunities, resources to better serve Latino and immigrant communities, and a range of cost-saving benefits like discounted insurance and access to fundraising databases.



Advocate Membership

Maryland Latinos Unidos is at the table where and when important decisions are being made in matters of public health and healthcare policy, economic equality, education for all, environmental justice, and growing Latino representation across all sectors.

Our Advocate Membership fees contribute to MLU’s ability to raise funds to advance policy and advocacy on behalf of Latinos/as across the state of Maryland at the local, state, and national level. Because we are a 501(C)3 organization, your Advocate Member contribution is tax-deductible.

Member Benefits

  • Cafecito Virtual: a Spanish-language interview series about the Latino community, with Spanish speaking leaders in the DMV area.
  • People’s Policy Series: For an hour, the Executive Director of MLU and moderator of the virtual space, Dr. Gabriela Lemus, speaks with one or more guests about a topic of relevance to the Latino community in Maryland and the United States.
  • Nuestro Newsletter: Get a vibrant range of Latino stories, community updates, and opportunities. Stay connected, informed, and inspired with the heartbeat of our dynamic organization.
  • Advocacy input: As a member, you can actively shape policies affecting the Latino community through direct advocacy input, ensuring your concerns have a powerful and influential voice.
  • Targeted research and data-gathering about Latine “emerging communities”: Stay informed with exclusive insights into Latine “emerging communities,” as our organization conducts precise research, delivering essential data on evolving landscapes.
  • Convening opportunities: Join dynamic gatherings with us, where diverse experiences converge. Seize opportunities to share, learn, and connect, fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration.
  • A network of contacts: Gain instant access to a robust network of supportive contacts within the Latino community, creating avenues for professional growth, friendships, and collaborative ventures.
  • Reduced cost for capacity-building opportunities: members can access LSI nonprofit and community-building services in leadership development, training, and organizational strengthening.

Annual Cost: $35.00

Nonprofit Membership

Nonprofit members include nonprofits, community, grassroots, and faith-based organizations, universities, and associations. 501(c) status is not a requirement to become a member.

Maryland Latinos Unidos is a program of Maryland Nonprofits. Maryland Latinos Unidos membership includes full membership in Maryland Nonprofits with all concurrent benefits.

Member Benefits

  • Attend Maryland Latinos Unidos monthly topical meetings.
  • Capacity building and technical assistance resources including an online Nonprofit Learning Library full of high-quality resources, samples, templates, and additional content about nonprofits.
  • Free, remote access to fundraising research databases: Foundation Directory Online, Donor Search, and Grant Watch.
  • Group purchasing discounts on a variety of different products and services ranging from technology to payroll processing and office supplies.
  • Discounted member pricing for training and events and access to members-only convenings.
  • Network with nonprofits, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses from across the state during roundtables and convenings. Continue the conversation and make new connections in a private online member community.
  • Inclusion in an online member directory.
  • Exclusive access to staff content experts for answers to your most pressing nonprofit questions.
  • Free job board postings
  • Stay up-to-date on nonprofit news, events, and learning opportunities through Maryland Latinos Unidos updates and the Maryland Nonprofits weekly member newsletter.
  • Receive updates and action alerts about important policy matters that affect Latinos and immigrants in Maryland.
  • Promote your free events to a network of 1,200+ member organizations through the Maryland Nonprofits member newsletter, sent to 3,000+ subscribers, and in the Member online community.
  • Full access to all of Maryland Nonprofits’ extensive member benefits.

Dues Structure

Budget Size Annual Membership Fee
$1 – $24,999 $110
$25,000 – $99,999 $165
$100,000 – $399,999 $440
$400,000 – $999,999 $770
$1 mil – $3.9 mil $1,100
$4 mil – $6.9 mil $1,485
$7 mil – $10.9 mil $1,980
$11 mil – $15.9 mil $2,530
$16 mil – $19.9 mil * $3,300
$20 mil – $24.9 mil * $4,000
$25+ mil * $5,000

*  Members with budgets of $16 million and above are invited to contact our customer service department for exclusive concierge services to assist in creating your account.

Individual Membership

Individual members include community leaders, allies, consultants, and elected/appointed officials.

Maryland Latinos Unidos is a program of Maryland Nonprofits. Maryland Latinos Unidos membership includes full membership in Maryland Nonprofits with all concurrent benefits.

Member Benefits

  • Attend Maryland Latinos Unidos monthly topical meetings.
  • Capacity building and technical assistance resources including an online Nonprofit Learning Library full of high-quality resources, samples, templates, and additional content about nonprofits.
  • Free, remote access to fundraising research databases: Foundation Directory Online, Donor Search, and Grant Watch.
  • Group purchasing discounts on a variety of different products and services ranging from technology to payroll processing and office supplies.
  • Discounted member pricing for training and events and access to members-only convenings.
  • Inclusion in an online member directory.
  • Network with nonprofits, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses from across the state during roundtables and convenings. Continue the conversation and make new connections in a private online member community.
  • Exclusive access to staff content experts for answers to your most pressing nonprofit questions.
  • Free job board postings
  • Stay up-to-date on nonprofit news, events, and learning opportunities through Maryland Latinos Unidos updates and the Maryland Nonprofits weekly member newsletter.
  • Receive updates and action alerts about important policy matters that affect Latinos and immigrants in Maryland.
  • Promote your free events to a network of 1,200+ member organizations through the Maryland Nonprofits member newsletter, sent to 3,000+ subscribers, and in the Member online community.
  • Full access to all of Maryland Nonprofits’ extensive member benefits.

Dues Structure

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (Individual Consultants, College students, or Retired Nonprofit Executives)
Individual Membership Level Annual Membership Fee
Student/Retired $40
Affiliate $200


Business Membership

Business members include business leaders, chambers of commerce, and economic development groups.

Maryland Latinos Unidos is a program of Maryland Nonprofits. Maryland Latinos Unidos membership includes full membership in Maryland Nonprofits with all concurrent benefits.

Member Benefits

  • Attend Maryland Latinos Unidos monthly topical meetings.
  • Share your expertise and be recognized as a credible, trusted source via guest blogging.
  • Get business referrals from an online Nonprofit Service Providers Directory.
  • Inclusion in an online member directory.
  • Stay up-to-date on nonprofit news, events, and learning opportunities through Maryland Latinos Unidos updates and the Maryland Nonprofits weekly member newsletter.
  • Receive updates and action alerts about important policy matters that affect Latinos and immigrants in Maryland.
  • Promote your free events to a network of 1,200+ member organizations through the Maryland Nonprofits member newsletter, sent to 3,000+ subscribers, and in the Member online community.
  • Capacity building and technical assistance resources including an online Nonprofit Learning Library full of high-quality resources, samples, templates, and additional content about nonprofits.
  • Free, remote access to fundraising research databases: Foundation Directory Online, Donor Search, and Grant Watch.
  • Group purchasing discounts on a variety of different products and services ranging from technology to payroll processing and office supplies.
  • Discounted member pricing for training and events and access to members-only convenings.
  • Network with nonprofits, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses from across the state during roundtables and convenings. Continue the conversation and make new connections in a private online member community.
  • Exclusive access to staff content experts for answers to your most pressing nonprofit questions.
  • Free job board postings
  • Full access to all of Maryland Nonprofits’ extensive member benefits.

Dues Structure

BUSINESS/AGENCY MEMBERSHIP (Businesses or government agencies with two or more employees)
Membership Level Annual Membership Fee
Associate $500
About Maryland Nonprofits

Maryland Nonprofits is proud to be the home of Maryland Latinos Unidos.

Maryland Latinos Unidos members receive full membership in Maryland Nonprofits. Maryland Nonprofits is a trusted resource, partner, and convener for nonprofits and organizations who seek to have a greater impact in their community. We believe in the power of collective action and advocacy, and that the ability to work together as a sector is our biggest leverage to create the quality of life that we want to see.

As we work with our lobbyist to change policies and protect nonprofits, when you become a member of Maryland Nonprofits, you also become part of a force for change. As a result of over a decade of collaborative efforts, public policy is more equitable, the State of Maryland invests more in communities, and the operating environment for nonprofits has been improved.

Our members have access to trainings, resources, consultants, and a network of like-minded change-makers to help strengthen and build their organizations.