New Poll Shows Strong Support for Tobacco Tax Increase

February 24, 2015

By Henry Bogdan, Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, Maryland Nonprofits

Healthy Maryland Initiative Poll Press Release>>
Maryland Voter Poll on Proposed Tobacco Tax Increase>>

Maryland Nonprofits has joined with the Maryland Citizens Health Initiative, and nonprofit organizations and other groups across the state, to support House Bill 108, and Senate Bill 37. This legislation proposes an increase in the state’s tax on cigarettes and related tobacco products, with at least some of the proceeds directed to make up cuts to critical health services. Contact members of the Senate Budget and Tax, and the House Ways and Means Committees to add your voice to this effort.

Visit the Health Care for All website to learn about exciting new polling that shows Marylanders support this idea by a two to one margin – including a majority of registered voters from both major political parties. Also, checkout Maryland Nonprofits’ supporting testimony. Raising tobacco taxes can provide tens of millions of dollars of revenue at a time when cuts are proposed to critical services in our communities, including health care for poor pregnant women. But most important – we know that raising these taxes has been shown to reduce tobacco use – particularly among the young – AND SAVES LIVES.

Join us for the Quality of Life Summit March 24th at the McDonogh School in Owings Mills, MD. 


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