Susana Hernandez Martin
Your advocacy is effective! – Nonprofit Sustainability Fund (HB 1226)
More than 634 organizations and individuals have signed on in support of the bill HB 1226, and more joining each day.
Education, Healthcare, and the Environment: Making our Communities Stronger
In order to enact systems change at the local- and state levels, there must be a clear understanding of where we find ourselves today. What works well and can be expanded? What doesn’t work well? Where are there gaps that need filling? What are the most important ones...
Maryland Nonprofits partners with Black Executive Directors Network for new member benefit
Learn about our partnership with the BLK ED Network, and what this means for Maryland Nonprofits' members.
Member Spotlight: Kits to Heart
To help kick off the New Year, we wanted to highlight the inspiring work that Kits to Heart has been doing in Maryland and across the U.S. Founded in 2020 by a three-time cancer alumna, Kits to Heart gives thoughtfully designed, curated cancer care kits to...
Maryland Nonprofits Elects 2023 Board Officers and Members
Maryland Nonprofits is pleased to announce our newly elected board members and officers for 2023.
CLLCTIVLY and Maryland Nonprofits build resiliency of youth service providers
The Baltimore Children and Youth Fund (BCYF) awarded CLLCTIVLY and Maryland Nonprofits $150,000 to pilot the CONNECT program.
Successful Nonprofit Budget Advocacy
During our Legislative Preview, a particularly applicable panel gathered several nonprofit leaders to speak on successful nonprofit budget advocacy.
“Intentional and Strategic”: A look at Governor Wes Moore’s first proposed budget – Action to Care
As required by the Maryland Constitution, the newly installed Governor presented his proposed budget for the fiscal year that will start in July.
Sign-On: $100m for Maryland’s Small and Medium-Sized Nonprofits!
Read about our open letter to Governor Moore and his administration asking for a $100 million state-funded general operating nonprofit grant fund, and see the over 200 signatories!
Maryland Latinos Unidos priorities and expectations in 2023
2023 is showing signs that it will be a big year for Maryland Latinos Unidos.