Reporting Misconduct and Whistleblower Protection – Standards for Excellence Educational Resource Packet (14)


Organizations must provide employees, board members, and volunteers a confidential means to report suspected impropriety or misuse of organizational resources. Allowing for and protecting systems that serve to expose misconduct and improprieties and encourage correcting such situations in nonprofits are vital to the health and well-being of charitable nonprofits. Nonprofits should have a policy in place that allows for confidential, anonymous reporting of suspected illegal activity that clearly states that no retaliation will take place against anyone who reports such activity. This educational packet will walk you through how to implement a policy that promotes confidential reporting and the protections in place through the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Attached at the end of this packet you will find the customizable companion documents:

  • Sample policy on Confidential Reporting of Financial Impropriety or Misuse of Organization’s Resources, Standards for Excellence Institute
  • Sample policy on Reporting Improprieties, Fraudulent or Dishonest Conduct, Standards for Excellence Institute
  • Sample Financial Impropriety or Misuse Policy, Star Community, 2001
  • Sample Job Description for Individual (Volunteer or Paid Staff) Managing the Ethics Hotline


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