Nonprofit Learning Library

Find helpful documents and reference materials on a range of topics that are critical to operating, leading, and evaluating a healthy nonprofit organization. Included are the Standards for Excellence educational resource packets, Board Member Quick Tips, checklist on How to Start a Nonprofit, and much more. Browse by category to see all that’s available! For a summary of our resources, download our Annotated Ed Packet and Board Room Quick Tips overviews.  Download Resource.

This resource outlines the details of each step of creating a nonprofit merger. This can help mergers stay succinct and efficient.   Member Login

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When establishing a nonprofit merger, it is important to keep all aspects legal and ethical. This resource details the legal guidelines for mergers in Maryland.     Member Login

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List of documents to request and review when considering a merger.   Member Login

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This resource provides guidance on the most efficient way to handle leadership succession in a variety of circumstances. Plans are discussed for temporary, interim, and permanent leadership shifts in terms of costs, responsibilities, and procedures.   Member Login

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This document offers insights from a survey on salary and benefits in Maryland’s Nonprofits. Information branches throughout a wide range of positions including executives, finance and human operations, education, and information technology.   Member Login

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE This packet outlines helpful “rules” to consider when deciding whether committees could help streamline your board operations.   Member Login

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE This packet outlines suggestions to turn your board and committee minutes into helpful tools for future decision-making. Included is a Sample Meeting Minutes outline containing components you can use to increase the usefulness of your minutes.   Member Login

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Collect information from board members that will help you understand their connections, skills, and other useful information. This quick tip includes a sample survey instrument so you don’t have to “create the wheel.” Useful for board development and recruitment purposes.   Member Login

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Increase the productivity of your Board by ensuring you have the right mix of people. The right mix means: Your Board should reflect the diversity of the population you serve, should be serving, or has a vested interest in your success. Your Board possesses the full range of skills and expertise necessary […]

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MEMBER EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE Roles and responsibilities of the board member development committee, AKA nominating committee, or recruitment committee. No single description will suit the needs of all organizations, but the description at the end of this packet can help identify gaps in your committees’ operations.   Member Login

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